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When Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Russia’s richest oligarch, begins to support the political opposition and challenges Russia’s all powerful president Vladimir Putin, he sets in motion a series of events that are still being felt today, and most likely, for years to come.
Enraged, Putin instructs his secret service police to arrest Khodorkovsky in a dramatic raid on his private jet in October 2003 and then banishes him on trumped-up charges of tax evasion to a Siberian gulag.
Featuring an exclusive interview with Khodorkovsky behind bars (the only one of its kind), and with contributions from major political insiders and journalists, KHODORKOVSKY traces the metamorphosis of Russia’s richest man into its most famous political prisoner.
Unveiling the corrosive relationships which have corrupted politics and business in post Soviet Russia, Director Cyril Tuschi asks the million Ruble question – why did Khodorkovsky leave friends and family behind for life in a Siberian gulag?
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