By David Pountain Dir. Federico Fellini Tender, funny, mischievous and worrying, the notorious La Dolce Vita from esteemed director Federico Fellini broke box office records, won the Palme d’Or at Cannes and invented the word […]
By David Pountain Dir. Federico Fellini Tender, funny, mischievous and worrying, the notorious La Dolce Vita from esteemed director Federico Fellini broke box office records, won the Palme d’Or at Cannes and invented the word […]
Dir: Umberto Riccioni Carteni By Eleonora Mignoli Political power struggles in Italy have always offered an abundance of material to writers and filmmakers. There’s something about the Italian way of doing politics, with its numerous […]
A reflection on women’s sensitivity, on the different forms of love…