By Francesco Cerniglia Directed by Ives Rosenfeld Thessaloniki International Film Festival review Minimalist and powerful in equal parts, Aspirantes (Hopefuls) is one of those character studies that leaves you wanting for more but is more impactful […]

By David Pountain Directed by Alexander Kott Gijón International Film Festival review Alexander Kott’s wordless Test may technically be a period film – inspired by the Soviet Union’s nuclear bomb test in the Kazakh region of […]

By David Pountain Directed by Matias Meyer Montreal Nouveau Cinema Film Festival review The developmentally stunted title character of Yo is a volatile individual prone to loud emotional outbursts that the audience is almost never a […]

By Matthew Riordan Directed by Adriyanto Dewo At first glance Tabula Rasa might appear to be a formulaic rags-to-riches story. In the opening scenes we meet Hans (Jimmy Kobogau), a promising footballer from Papua, Indonesia. Hans […]

By David Pountain Directed by Neto Villalobos All About the Feathers, a sweet and Sisyphean comedy from Neto Villalobos, operates by the premise that there’s little in life funnier than watching awkward everyday people simply being their […]

By David Pountain Filmed over a six year period, Colin Rothbart’s inspiring big screen debut, Dressed as a Girl, is a humorous, affectionate tribute to the alternative drag scene of East London that acknowledges the […]