By Jamieson Pearce Directed by Christoph Bell Eyelashes. The most luscious I’ve ever seen. This is what will stay with me from Christopher Behl’s 2013 zombie-drama What’s Left of Us. Every time (and there were […]
By Jamieson Pearce Directed by Christoph Bell Eyelashes. The most luscious I’ve ever seen. This is what will stay with me from Christopher Behl’s 2013 zombie-drama What’s Left of Us. Every time (and there were […]
By David Pountain Dir: Bradley King Time Lapse, the multiple award-winning directorial feature-length debut of Bradley King, is a film that flat-out gets time travel. That is to say, the film understands the various facets […]
By David Pountain Dir: Lucio Fulci Of the many talented directors to work in the heyday of Italian horror, none are more widely beloved and maligned than Lucio Fulci. A filmmaker who unabashedly worked in […]
By Jake Bibby Dir. Iciar Bollain Upon first viewing, I must admit that the very premise behind Iciar Bollain’s Even The Rain had left me somewhat sceptical. With its marrying of different forms, I originally felt […]
By Jake Bibby Dir: Rocio Caliri and Melina Marcow As debut features go, never before has a film posed so many questions yet offered so little answers. However, this is not a criticism of Announce […]
Sometimes the simple plans are the best…