Dir: Eddy Terstall By: Selmer Derwort Long before there was the international hit Les Intouchables, there was this rare gem of Dutch cinema – Simon (Dir. Eddy Terstall, 2004, Netherlands), which is in many ways […]
Dir: Eddy Terstall By: Selmer Derwort Long before there was the international hit Les Intouchables, there was this rare gem of Dutch cinema – Simon (Dir. Eddy Terstall, 2004, Netherlands), which is in many ways […]
By Daniella Dahoui Dir: Phillip Noyce In Western Australia of 1931, a government policy includes taking “half-caste” (one white and one Aboriginal parent) children from the Aboriginal mothers and re-locating them to a re-education camp. A. O. Neville […]
Dir: Erik Poppe By: Hannah McNicholas A Thousand Times Goodnight (Tusen Ganger God Natt) is a truly international ilm. The English language debut of director Erik Poppe, this Norwegian/Swedish/Irish collaboration was shot in Morocco, Ireland, Kenya […]
DIr: Aharon Keshales and Navot Papushado By: Amanpreet Dosanjh When you think of Israeli cinema, the last thing that comes to mind would be a comedy horror. The two directors, Aharon Keshales and Navot Papushado, […]
Dir: John Curran Tracks, an independent Australian film about Robyn Davidson – a woman who crossed 1,700 mile trek in West Australia with four camels and a dog – premiered in the UK in October […]
The 67th Cannes Film Festival kicks off today, with the anticipated biopic “Grace de Monaco” as the opening film. Have a read below and make sure you don’t miss out on this years must see […]